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     Christine Murray is passionate about leveraging emerging digital channels to increase engagement and spark interest. By forming strategic plans based on analytical insights, she cares about measuring marketing effectiveness and is always looking for ways to move the needle.

     Christine works remotely for ADP, where she supports the development of omnichannel sales and marketing programs to drive corporate-wide focused demand generation. She creates end-to-end marketing campaigns by working cross-functionally across internal teams to achieve desired business outcomes, and she acts as a digital media advisor to her various stakeholders.


     Before this role, she worked for Parallon, an HCA Company, where she managed its digital marketing program. From ideation to execution, she made data-driven and thoughtful decisions to drive business results through both organic and paid channels. She planned media promotion for thought leadership, events, and Parallon's numerous service lines to drive quality leads through the pipeline and ultimately increase revenue.

     Previously she worked at Zeta Global as the Digital Marketing Specialist and Analyst, where she managed email marketing, social media, webinars, blogs, landing pages, video, and more! She also leveraged paid channels including paid social media, paid search, and display advertising. She additionally received the Zeta Innovation Project Finalist Award for her idea of creating a resource center for internal employees.

     She also holds a master's degree in public relations from Boston University. During her graduate program, she interned with Grayling, a public relations agency in London, England, where she worked with their clients, Hilton Hotels Europe, Western Union, and Raymond James. Her tasks included writing content for their digital campaign, composing media briefs, creating an editorial calendar, and writing press releases.

     Christine is active in her community of Gulfport, Mississippi. She is a member of the Chi Omega Alumni Association, a member of her neighborhood Bunko group, and she volunteers in the nursery at her church. She also enjoys the outdoors and you can find her hiking, biking, or kayaking on the weekends if she's not traveling or in a barre class!

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